The Laughlin and McLaughlin Family in Sonoma County, California


Written 2010 by Will Johnson
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The Laughlin and McLaughlin Family in Sonoma County, California

Prior to the state of California requiring death certificates to be filed, Sonoma County kept it's own death register.  The complete register is available to purchase as follows: "Sonoma County, California Death Records, 1873-1905, Second Edition. Sonoma County Genealogical Society, P.O. Box 2273, Santa Rosa, California 95404"  We are also told that you can purchase it from: "Heritage Books, Inc., 65 East Main Street, Westminster, MD 21157-5026, 1-800-876-6103"

The following McLaughlin's are listed in it, although we don't get the date of death, we can be certain that they all died between 1873 and 1905:
Surname First Name Age at
McLaughlin Annie A. 70
McLaughlin Jane T. 70
McLaughlin Mary N. 66

The following Laughlin's are listed:
Surname First Name Age at
Laughlin Alpheus J. 27
Laughlin James H. 72
Laughlin Jas. Henry 35
Laughlin John M. 68

The Great Register of Voters 1890 Sonoma County has been published and includes the following McLaughlins:

McLaughlin Caspar Wistar 45
McLaughlin Charles Paul 21
McLaughlin James 34
McLaughlin James Patrick 25
McLaughlin John Francis 31
McLaughlin John Charles 21
McLaughlin Joseph 21
McLaughlin Michael 62
McLaughlin Patrick 78
McLaughlin Philip 21
McLaughlin Thomas 28

And the following Laughlin's
Laughlin Albert Pernell 32
Laughlin Alexander Douglas 33
Laughlin Alfred Franklin 21
Laughlin Charles William 30
Laughlin Frank Wing 21
Laughlin James Henry 24
Laughlin James H. 68
Laughlin John M. 63
Laughlin John McGill 21
Laughlin Joseph William 23
Laughlin Joseph Porter 41
Laughlin Leonidas 55
Laughlin Madison 63
Laughlin Oscar Wendell 22
Laughlin Robert Lee 21
Laughlin Samuel McK 27

The General Land Office maintains a website where a search for McLaughlin in Sonoma yields the following:
MCLAUGHLIN, D J J  CA  Sonoma  11/10/1868  Assigned For Automation  1553  CACAAA 016370
MCLAUGHLIN, DORSEY H  CA  Sonoma  5/13/1952  Sacramento  042845  1135026 
MCLAUGHLIN, MICHAEL  CA  Sonoma  5/1/1867  Assigned For Automation  433  CACAAA 015280 
MCLAUGHLIN, MICHAEL  CA  Alameda  11/3/1876  Assigned For Automation  5784  CACAAA 092425 
MCLAUGHLIN, MICHAEL  CA  Sonoma  4/20/1867  Assigned For Automation  97713  CACAAA 015279 

And a search for Laughlin in Sonoma yields the following:
LAUGHLIN, EMILY E  CA  Sonoma  9/25/1888  Assigned For Automation  10629  CACAAA 017847 
LAUGHLIN, JAMES H  CA  Sonoma  5/1/1867  Assigned For Automation  557  CACAAA 016347
LAUGHLIN, JOSEPH P  CA  Sonoma  2/5/1875  Assigned For Automation  4564  CACAAA 016288 
LAUGHLIN, LEONIDAS  CA  Sonoma  5/1/1867  Assigned For Automation  528  CACAAA 017799 
LAUGHLIN, MARSHALL N  CA  Sonoma  6/6/1873  Assigned For Automation  2248  CACAAA 017835 

History of Sonoma County [Cal.]: including its geology, topography, mountains, valleys and streams; with a full and particular record of the Spanish grants; its early history and settlement. Western Americana, frontier history of the trans-Mississippi West, 1550-1900, J. P. Munro-Fraser. Alley, Bowen & Co., 1880. 717 pages

"Laughlin James H Was born in Rutherford county Tennessee January 11 1819 Here he received his education and lived on a farm until nineteen years of age when he accompanied his parents to Van Buren county Iowa At this place Mr Laughlin married December 22 1853 Frances E Briggs a native of Windsor county Vermont He followed farming in this locality until April 1854 when in company with his wife mother and a brother and sister he crossed the plains to this State bringing with them a drove of two hundred head of cattle They arrived on Cache creek October 10 1854 Here Mr Laughlin engaged in farming until the following September when he came to Sonoma county and settled on his present place at Mark West station Here the subject of our sketch and his belongings camped using the same gear as that which had been brought into requisition on the plains Necessity compelled them thus to be housed for lumber had yet to be cut out of the forests and transported to the spot This was done in about three weeks and soon a simple clapboard house sprung into existence To day on the old site there stands a finer dwelling than is to be found in the county Mr Laughlin has large interests in Mendocino county and is also a large stockholder in the Santa Rosa Bank as well as being a director of that institution His living children are Sarah born January 20 1856 Annie A born January 23 1863 James H born July 24 1866 Frank W born November 15 1869 Grant A born July 23 1870 Clyde B born December 1 1871 Two children have died Francis M and Albert"