Dictionary of National Biography

Original edition plus supplement

The volumes of the original edition of the Dictionary of National Biography (aka DNB) are online in Google Books at this link. Below I have read the title pages of each link and pasted what they say. There were a total of 223 links, including duplicates, at the time I made this article.


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The volumes of the original edition of the Dictionary of National Biography (also known as the "DNB") are online in Google Books at this link.  Below I have read the title pages of each link and pasted what they say, removing any duplicates.

1885-1904 Edition
Edited by Sidney Lee

A site reader informs me that the three below links, are all the same volume, in three different scans.  If you find a page you can't read in one scan, perhaps try another one of them.

1908-1909 Edition
In 1908-1909, the original 63 volumes, were condensed, with the supplements, and the errata and a few minor revisions and re-issued in 22 volumes below.  But even so, there was another supplement, which is Volume 22 below.



The choice for LIII seems to be a 2007 reprint - not sure from where. Try http://books.google.com/books?id=migJAAAAIAAJ for the 1898 edition. (By the way - there are multiple versions of some volumes, which is of some interest to me at least).

Anonymous - 19 Feb 2010

Linking error

Volume XXX of 1892 is wrongly linked - goes to vol. 31.

Anonymous - 17 Feb 2010

Thanks! That link is now fixed.

Will Johnson - 17 Feb 2010