How To Make Money Online, Chapter Four

Instructions and Discussion

This new knol will discuss how to make money in various ways online, with instructions.


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Written by Will Johnson,  Copyright 2010. All Rights Reserved

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O3 Have Website, Don't want my own Service or Product

So you have a website already, but now you want to make money selling something on it, but you don't know exactly what to sell.  You're not sure you want your own product or service, or maybe you're sure you don't!  Several website operators have joined affinity networks.  This is where you advertise, on your site, some other product.  When a reader sees the ad, sometimes you get a tiny token payment like maybe a penny, mostly nothing.  When the reader clicks through to the other website, sometimes you get a little payment for that, sometimes nothing.  However if the reader actually buys something off that other website, you will get credit for a percentage of that purchase.

A few vendors have created their own tracking networks, for example Amazon has one.  Most vendors signed up for various affinity systems which keep track of the ad placements, the click-throughs, etc.  Personally I'm not convinced that all players are operating on the level.  That is, I have a suspicious mind.  My suspicious mind says, who is auditing these players to confirm that they're paying out fairly?

Google has created a subsidiary called Adsense.  You have to go to Adsense, and sign up.  After they approve you, you will get code to stick into whatever pages you want on your website.  It will appear in a side bar next to your content and display an ad chosen by Google, that is supposed to be somehow relevant to your content.  So if you write about your trip to the Bahamas in a blog, you may see an ad that says "Book a trip now through Expedia!"  or whatever.  That's the concept anyway.  Just from the ad appearing, supposedly you'll make a tenth of a penny or something.  If your readers click-through and actually buy something, I believe you will make more, or at least could make more.

In addition to affiliate banner ads and Adsense, you can also directly sell products to others -- for others.  Amazon is the best example of how to do this, and god save them if other companies are slow to jump on this bandwagon.  You can sign up to be an Amazon Associate.  This is not the same thing as selling your used products on Amazon.  Once you have signed up to be an Amazon Associate, you can then browse, off a special page they give you, find a product and then say, "give me the code".  You cut and paste the code to a page on your site, and when you refresh, the advertisement from Amazon to sell some book or whatever you were looking for, will appear.  Any site reader who clicks on it, will be taken to Amazon, but your referrer code will be embedded in the URL.  Even if the reader does not buy that particular product, if they continue to browser Amazon, and eventually buy something, you should get a small credit for that.  At least that's the promise.

Now if we can just get the rest of the world to comprehend what an amazing revenue generator that idea was for Amazon, then we can sell all sorts of things, which we don't personally have, to others, and essentially they are being drop-shipped.  Yet the webmaster gets a credit, just for referring.  A great concept.

I've experimented with various Affinity networks, and mostly they're flat to tell you the truth.  Few clicks, almost zero sales which means almost zero income.  Interesting concept however.  You blog or create other types of pages, on whatever, and make money off ad placement.  I just joined yesterday a new one, which perhaps will be better, since it's called the Google Affiliate Network.  I pulled up various types of links and display them on a mock-up page at this link.  You can see that several big names, have signed up to be a part of it.  On that page I show Barnes and Noble, Blockbuster, Kmart and Sears.  Three of those are default type ads, the one for Sears I built myself using their ability to build your own link.  This allows you to customize a particular ad, just for your particular content instead of a generic ad.  Supposedly viewers are more inclined to click-through on a specific targeted ad.  That's the same idea behind Adsense basing their ads on your page's content.

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