Bulletin Board 2011, for Authors and Visitors

May knol progress further and further with each day's passing!

This platform is for all knowledge sharers and readers to share ideas, views and suggestions. Let us improve our life and life of all by mutual communication of our understanding, opinions and feelings. We are proud to be knol authors and happy to be of some service to online readers.



together we own the world
- this image is free of copyright -
(you may click it)


Knol Project is closed. Option to move to Annotum Provided.
 Spanish version for Migration under the sole responsibility of ALBG

ALBG (26/11)
I have two problems: 1. Import all my Knols (data liberation) link Export my Knols to a file and 2. Download my Knols to a file. All for Takeout. It does not work redirect manually Knols individually from Within knol. See below for each knol.  'Set a redirect URL' after click, appears Edit URL Remove redirect

ALBG (25/11)
About the Knol disappeared.
wordpress support. Response

Ah, that's a problem on Google's end, there's nothing that we can do about that.
I recommend either contacting them or trying again tomorrow.

If this link will work it, should lead us  to the site in WordPress in where is hosted the knol

This is the case Learn more (link Above). Question 'can I redirect my knol's URL's so People Can find the content'?

ALBG (11/25)
The beginning http://goo.gl/CZAc3

ALBG (11/25)
Go to http://goo.gl/cJ6z6 WordPress.com Forums>>Staff

ALBG (11/25)
Google gave us Knol (we didn’t need it), now it’s taking it away (meh…), and instead has given us Annotum, something far more useful than Knol was ever going to be. http://goo.gl/nks0u

No good idea talking about winners and losers. That is not appropriate. Here no one won, all lost
I totally agree with you.  Google has not cooperated with us. We did not keep amiable terms with them. Even now we do not want to go away amiably. We want to say Google cannot manage Alpha projects and beta projects. What about our abilities to contribute? All of us are a part of the crowd to contribute and make the platform a success.
All lost.

This is a tragedy. You have no idea the problems that there is for to migrate. You're right, the solution must be achieved between all and fast. I suggest that if Google does not get the solution, it must allow the knols can be stored in our computers. The platforms are incompatible

KVSS (11/26)
Knol authors should not panic about migration problems. Yes, migration is announced. People are trying to migrate as they found the solution acceptable. Some authors have migrated. As Aashish informed us, authors with 100+ knols have a problem. All active authors have 100+ knols. The problem is recognized and a solution will be worked out. What is the hurry. Time is there up to 30th April and it may be extended if they could not provide one button migration.
It is time serious and sincere online authors evaluate their options. Wordpress is a huge platform and what knol authors will contribute now to that platform will be only a tiny fraction.  No body will bother about Knol authors and their cribs. On Knol at least, people used to fear that Knol will get a bad name if authors write adverse comments. But we did write many adverse things, did limited positive things and ended up on the losing side. I don't think anybody gives value to losers if they still talk like big guys. But there are serious authors on Knol who might have started writing for the first time online articles because Google came out with a platform. They have to now evaluate their best option among available platforms and trasfer their content there. There is no reason for anybody to persuade them to go to annotum-wordpress. Even if one goes now to annotum wordpress, you can always move to your preferred platform.
Any author who wrote less than 100 knols especially if they contain text only can easily copy paste those knols in any site with in a month without any strain. As you can redirect your knol to that link your reputation is protected to some extent and you may get a portion of the Knol traffic you are getting from search engines. You can change backlinks created by you if you remember them to new links. You lose some visitors but you do get some.
ALBG (11/24) Migration 
Read in Annotum
I could write a long post about the many months of hard work by many people at Google, PLoS, NLM, Automatic, and particularly Crowd Favorite, all of whom deserve, and receive, my sincere thanks.

After this experience, the authors should meet by academic areas and form a group. See http://www.plos.org/
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhttp://www.crossref.org/ professional publications for National and International Libraries

Remember, the use of bright ideas 
If you are a philanthropist or an altruist writes the idea, if you think live of it, can't disclose the idea in the article. See http://goo.gl/98OqO

About your individual articles you can move to blogger.
My http://nraomtr.blogspot.com/ blog is getting visitors from Knol. persons who are visiting my pages are coming having a look at my blog.
PG (11/25)
Wondering about Annotum's "gender". Does it works
* as a collection of independent blogs?
* as an article publisher (as was knol)?
* as a publishing community (with cooperation between authors)?
* or as a (bright ? awkward ?) cross between those various aspects?.
As long as I wil not see a real example / experiment by I will keep being puzzled
ALBG (11/24)
This is wrong Migration

If your Knol had more than one author, you may need to assign those articles to other WordPress.com users, or invite your coauthors to join WordPress.com. Every coauthor who wants to move with you to WordPress.com will need to sign up for their own account.
They tell me: Howdy arturbarrera! Google is reporting an error with generating your export file.

KS (11/24)
I think, PG is right in making this board a board for all who want to survive as a community .
if nobody cares, I will change the logo into the "together we own the world" logo (see the bottom of this page)

Thanks to all on Thanksgiving Day.

@KS You are right. People are now worried about only two on Knol.Their content and relations. So your taking care of community is very welcome. You can do any changes as you please.

I am trying to create some new blogs inspired by my work on Knol. Thanksgiving day post on my new blog.
hod is the history of the day blog. I created number of knols on international days. I would like to arrange them in a blog.

AM (Aashish Mahaswary) wrote :
"If some knollers can come together we are ready to help to build the similar platform like Knol.. where many authors can communicate and write.. as they are doing at knol ."
sounds good .

ALBG (11/24)
I have several questions for dialogue
  • Blogger vs. WordPress (Annotum)
Maybe blogger is not designed to accept all the Knols and could loading problems occur
  • I guess, they need the space that occupied Knol. A space as blogger that is intended for something else, could we occupy it? and if again, they invite us to evict?
  • What will happen with the knols in different languages?
  • In takeout files are available for 7 days only.
  • I can not imagine copying and pasting 1,500 Knols as in the case of Sajid Khan

I think now that Google decided to close knol as an independent Google product with a slogan Knol is not a blog. It is appropriate that it gives the knol platform to blogger and call it as wiki-blogger. The url of the knols can be changed to http://wiki.blogspot.com. While scientific journals like PLOS may not be interested in being part of wikiblogger and hence will go many of the authors would be happy to go to Wiki-blogger. I think the Google will notice the idea if more knol authors are in favor of it. Of course all authors who are not happy with the way Google interacts with authors using silence for long periods and only algorithms will leave Knol now that its closure as Knol is announced. But many authors would like continue with the Google's Wiki-Blogger. They have no problem in being called as bloggers and wikibloggers. Actually lot more bloggers will try the Wiki-platform if it is offered as Wiki-blogger.

See the Google+ topic

I opened a new blog.

i opened a new blog. I think the look of this blog is similar to that of  Knol only. I shall keep posting my management knols in it. When you all decide to transfer your knols, I can also redirect my knols to this blog.

But I am for Wikiblogger solution. Otherwise migration to Blogger. Then only copy pasting in the blogger and migration to Annotum.

SK (11/23)
@ Team
There is no need to panic. We have enough time to think things out. We can post in other blogging platforms apart from wordpress. Also lets start our own website.
What do you think of:
Today I was very excited because I coined new terms (At least in my mind I think I did) and I opened my computer to knol knowledge from a new perspective. When I saw this latest self inflicted disaster the wind went out of my knol writing. But here are some of the new terms I think I coined:
Economically Challenged Behavior. Emotionally challenged economics! Emotionally challenged commerce! Emotionally challenged financial policies. Emotionally challenged foreign policies, Emotionally challenged laws etc. And above all emotionally challenged knowledge/beliefs! And above all emotionally challenged reality and thus emotionally challenged education policies.

PG (11/22)
What about that WordPress "Annotum" system?
  • Would it be an equivalent to Knol, working as a community and a common encyclopedia, or just a series of independent author's blogs?
  • For example, what about co-authorship in wordpress? Collaborative editing ?
  • What about the hyperlinks from a knol to another ?
  • Will the pv stats be transferred or restart from zero?
  • What about search engines and rankings in the transition phase?
  • When writing in several languages will it be better to have all articles together or in several WP blogs ?
  • Any alternative to wordpress or to google file ? But would the transfer/ redirect work then ?
There are certainly more questions pending. A FAQ would be useful.
The Learn more given by Knol is only a skeleton.
Maybe we start a special board in open collaboration to assemble all the questions and answers, and a detailed technical procedure? I don't think, as Peter Baskerville suggest, the "Knol help" comments will be practical enough for such pooling of info.
Also, what about a concrete example / experiment of a redirect to understand better?
KVSS (11/22)
@ PG
You took the lead in starting the discussion. I could not understand how to make the switch. It says you have to start with wordpress user name and also talks of  installing wordpress. So somebody among Knol authors has to give use more easy instruction set.

There is lot more time for details to be developed by us on the board. Annotum doesn't seem to be hosting platform. It is only going to be authoring tools. Wordpress.org will be the hosting platform and at this moment it looks like to be independent blogs of authors with collaborative writing facility. 
Google should provide a migration path to Blogger also. Knols which do not require collaborative writing can go to Blogger and Google should provide that path also.
AK (11/22)
The transfer knol to annotum doesn't work. And my wordpress-Homepage is destroyed :(

@ AK
Hope the damage can be repaired quickly. I do not know at the moment how to try. Some of the better tech. savvy people have to guide us.
@WJ  look forward to you also for guidance.
Okay, my homepage is repaired. But the programme didn't generate an export file.
KVSS (11/22)
@PG any collections of French movies
@KS any collections of German movies
@AA any collections of Spanish movies
@MAK any collections of Arabic movies
Youtube has certain movies with subtitles also. YouTube movie collections with subtitles will be good for global audience. I need to create one for Telugu movies. Telugu movies with English subtitles.

KVSS (11/21)
Action research of a faculty member is participating in an activity and developing theory out of the participant observation. It is part of sociology and it can also be part of organizational behavior. One needs to make notes of it. May be online work is there to look back to recreate the sequence of events and recollect the role behaviors. 

KVSS (11/20)
What can we do to promote Shopping category knols. You strongly advocated entertainment category knols. Top 50 Knols - Cinema, Films, Movies, Actors, Directors, Producers and Technicians There is a champion for entertainment category knols.  WJ.  I do not see any champion for shopping category knols. But knols under this category are more. There is a need for promoting this category of knols and also for encouraging more people to start business pages on Knol. December is holiday season and Christmas shopping season and any effort to popularize shopping knols would be good.
Visit http://www.quantcast.com/knol.google.com.  It shows last peak at 306K on 14 November 2010 and the latest figure is shown 291K. We can hope for the new peak in November. May be it has already passed and will come. But see the drop in December and January to less than 200K. Can we promote Shopping category now and help Knol to have better performance in the holiday season? From this perspective I started Top 50 Knols - Christmas   and Christmas Shopping - Shopping Guide  . See what can be done to contribute good knols in these topics and also to identify and promote good knols.

@ WJ and PG
Any thing different happening to unique visitors figure in your Google analytics statistcs?
New top 50 knols lists

There is a content that is liked by many and used by many.
Where is that content? Some knol authors ask.
Here it is. Top 50 Knols - Lists - Knol Book  Developing new lists - top 50 lists
So knol authors are checking compete.com numbers. What did they find. Knol performance increased by 6% in October. What will happen in November 2011? How many authors are enthusiastic to increase their performance? Good to see every day one or two new knol authors sharing their knols on Google+.

KVSS (11/16)
Till now on Knol, there is content creation excitement. Of course many old authors might have got fatigue also in the process. I think, there is interest in Google management, and favorable conditions are being created for Knol. Knol is under recovery stage from a depression stage. Google management is favorable but the majority of the authors are not yet excited. As authors see that there is recovery, and some authors are having good performance, there will be excitement among authors. Then we will see both Google management and Knol authors working with positive outlook. That time is going to come shortly.
Performance excitement on Knol.  10,000 page views per day or 300,000 page views per month.

One of the books is 
Little Bets by Peter Sims - Book Information There is a Google Talk video by this author. Interesting little bets.
Go Social on Knol:  This bulletin is the best example of going social on Knol. Thanks to the people who are maintaining this knol, this was on open collaboration right from the day it was opened in 2008 till now. Every knol author is welcome to write an opinion or tell the world about his work on Knol. It would be good if more such board are opened with more focused themes and the good work done by many authors on Knol is recorded daily for many of us to see and feel good and excited.
Knol Traction - Momentum still on. Today I had 2982 visits and 2940 unique visitors. More and more visitors are coming to Knol. If more knol authors share  knols on Google+, that will accelerate the visitors

Scribbled one more in free verse.

A record first day performance for a Knol. 150 page views in analytics and 100 of those pv are from direct visits. Google Online Marketing Challenge - Live Case Study - Global Competition. The Knol community is very vibrant now. Providing 100 page views on the first day from Knol home page and other pages. The community that KS talks of is emerging not from top down but from bottom up each one deciding to act when he wants to act.
@ KVSS : the world (and google knol) is made top down in a way that it works from bottom up (like a tree) . 
so we can react now and reach a circle .
@ PG : despite the intentions of the pack we can now participate in google+ .
I am already thinking of a google++ :
everything (text, picture, sound) is a knol .
you can make knols and connect them (or connect connections) like in a programming language or in mathematics : 
A + B, A = B, A @ B, ... A c B .
this can become the new world language .
there are three (+ one) modalities (modes) .
closed : others can only read your knol connections .
moderated : others can use your connections as a part of their connections, but can not change them .
open : others can change your connections .
the fourth modality are circles in combination with the other three modalities :
only the members of a circle can read and write this knol connections .
important : a knol itself can only be changed by its creator, but can be copied (if open) .  (and on creative commons , KVSS)
Yes: the world (and google knol) is made top down in a way that it works from bottom up with social  relations between two people as a unit (dyad)
yes: the dyad is the basic element of a social graph :)

KVSS (11/11)
Knol is slowly developing a community of its own. Knol users and authors are increasing on Google+.
Yesterday evening I posted a new knol. Google Online Marketing Challenge - Live Case Study - Global Competition. It already has 100 page views in Google analytics and 60 visits are direct visits. It is a fast response from Knol user and author community from Knol home page. It gives me the confidence that we are a vibrant community now and we will reach our target of 30 million page views in 2012 and declare that Knol project is a profitable product for Google. Once we do it, Sajid Khan can walk into the Google office of New York and ask for a personal appointment with happiness and satisfaction. His foundation played an active promoting role in the successful development a great product "Knol" launched by Google management.
Thanks to Sajid Khan, I also gave a press release on Knol.

KVSS (11/10)
The second and third objectives are planned for 2012. Knol will have 30 million page views per month. The equation could 750,000 knols * 40 page views per month (Analytics page views). Strategy is to  share 750,000 knols on all social networks. Start with Google+.
I'm frequently updating my various knols in English and French about the current monetary and financial issues.
Two accesses among others
@PG  Eurozone opted for fiscal responsibility.  You mentioned Keynes and Modigliani-Miller on the negative side. You have not mentioned any theories on the positive side.
positive side :
KVSS  (11/09)
See a popular blogger's statement:
Junior BIz Com 110 page views per post per month.
Caution: You need to create incredibly high-quality content, post it properly to WordPress, optimize it for search engines, and get people to share it through social media.
Even good content on Knol is not getting adequate visitors. Why? SEO effort and social media sharing are missing. Knol authors need to create at least 5 back links to each of their knols. One on Knol itself, one on blog (personal), one on Google+, One on Twitter and One on Facebook.
One suggestion on Knol, can be "Create one collection for your knols and create one collection to share interesting knols of other knol authors." That way internal links on Knol can be created for many knols.
@ AK
ich suche noch jemand, der bei der jetzigen google-gold-auction
die restlichen 24 H-anteile übernimmt (gegen 120 whuffies) .
du würdest dann 240 whuffies zurückbekommen (die verdoppelung ist schon gesichert) und ich würde dir davon 100 abkaufen (gegen 100 €) .
die restlichen whuffies könntest du wieder bei der J-auktion einsetzen .
(so leicht und so schnell hast du sicher noch keine 100 € verdient (aber angesichts der alten zeiten (1. knol-star und so :) ... )
incredibly high-quality content :
world democracy, world currency, world language .
Yes, But each knol can get 40,80 or 120 page views per month. Unless millions fall from somebody as an endowment, we need to work knol by knol for internet customers - visitors and page views.

Share and discuss your Knols now on the Google+ Page Knol User

Welcome Andreas Kemper. Circled your page and +1d it.
Good initiative. I am still continuing your best knol initiative under various other names with page views as the votes by readers and probably search engine bots. We need to more creative initiatives from some more authors to take Knol to 30 million page views per month. In Google analytics authors have to get around 40 page views per month per knol to reach that performance in a year's time. First authors have to share their current performance and discuss what can be done to increase the visitors as well as page views per visitor.

what do you think of this layout (lines instead of bars) ?

Fine and OK. We can always experiment and create variety.
Google+ is now open for pages. I opened one on MBA Knowledge Revision
I made this knol earlier. Knol Performance Framework and Review
I am now more confident about it. 30 million page views per month are needed for Knol to breakeven. It is not any more quantity versus quality debate. If the platform does not reach 30 million figure quickly Knol will be closed. Currently Knol has 10 million page views per month.  All this debate on quality is only killer for Knol. Certainly quality is an important issue but should not be used to scare away authors and throttle Knol to death. Active knol authors need to come with plans with to increase their page views.My plan is to get 5000 page views per day by June 2012 and 7500 page views per day by December 2012.
As a first step please declare your monthly Google Analytics page views. Don't feel shy to declare low figures. We will try to get together and improve them. Now we know better about online article promotion.

I updated Interesting Knols of Narayana Rao K.V.S.S.  with new set of knols. I came across some knols opened in 2008 as Hall of Fame Knols. Good to update them now. Started the process.
Hall of Fame Knols - A TO D  Invite you all to add more subjects and add knols having 10,000+ page views. It will be good exhibit to showcase on Knol.
Came out with a poem on my institute as well as industrial engineering. Help me to improve the structure and rhyme.



excuse me!

Artur Landerzon Barrera Garcia - 25 Nov 2011

it was my fault .

Kalle Schwarz - 25 Nov 2011


Neither works for me. Since yesterday I tried

Artur Landerzon Barrera Garcia - 23 Nov 2011

I have no problem, what will be best. I think that google search profit is in its advertising. In the intellectual work the performance is very low and slow.

Artur Landerzon Barrera Garcia - 23 Nov 2011

Why do you want to go Annotum. Blogger is better option. What is special in Annotum. I feel most of the Knol authors will prefer migration to Blogger.

Actually I feel, Google should gift Knol platform to Blogger and ask it to run as Wiki-blogger complementing the regular blogger.

Narayana Rao - 23 Nov 2011

Opened a new blog


i opened a new blog. I think the look of this blog is similar to that Knol only. I shall keep posting my management knols in it. When you all decide to transfer your knols, I can also redirect my knols to this blog.

But I am for Wikiblogger solution. Otherwise migration to Blogger. Then only copy pasting in the blogger and migration to Annotum.

Narayana Rao - 23 Nov 2011


What Do you think of this from knol

Artur Landerzon Barrera Garcia - 23 Nov 2011

Special Promotion for Entertainment category knols during November

Add knol collections of entertainment category in all languages to the collection


Create more knols in entertainment category. Create collections. Promote knols and collections and help Knol to grow.

Narayana Rao - 03 Nov 2011

does anyone of us need all these categorys and/or buttons above ?

The buttons are not for the authors of this page alone. The buttons are for the visitors of this page. From this page, they will be able to see the new knols published under various categories.

Also, it is for persuading all Knol authors to specify categories.

But the question is still appropriate when one active author feels it is a burden on the knol.

Narayana Rao - 20 Aug 2011

Thank you Team!

Thank you all for caring for me. And helping me in all these ways. You have changed the title of the old bulletin board you all gifted to me. I was going to drop it and just focus on the open letter. Now I feel I should continue on it too.
Thanks Guys.

Sajid Khan - 04 May 2011

Congratulations for very high page views for the knol being maintained by you.

Narayana Rao - 04 May 2011

Knol is a success

From space and energy programs to virtual worlds and online hard drives, Google arguably has an unrivalled willingness to try new things.
Knol is one of the success stories and is still going strong

Narayana Rao - 14 Apr 2011

All Search Engines are sending visitors to knols

98 visitors came from various search engines to my knols today.


Means Knols are now accepted as useful articles for showing up in search results by all search engines based on their search algorithms. Knol authors can feel happy and continue their work.

But at the moment knols are not taking edits at my end.

Narayana Rao - 14 Apr 2011

Just noticed

Hi everybody,

Just noticed the new board, for the new year 2011..


Moharram Khalifa - 16 Feb 2011

Thanks a lot

Moharram Khalifa - 16 Feb 2011

Congratulations to the 'Egyptian Revolution!! - Here's the song / video for the time after the revolution 'Family Of Man Song' by Topical songwriter Michel Montecrossa:

Anonymous - 16 Feb 2011

Thanks Rao
I am so happy to be able to remove this dictator "Mubarak"

Moharram Khalifa - 12 Feb 2011

Good that major change occurred in Egypt.

Narayana Rao - 12 Feb 2011


It really surprises me that whenever a positive development on Knol is mentioned there is a great silence. A positive development or an achievement on Knol platform has to be followed by number of initiatives to derive the benefit of the momentum.

Narayana Rao - 15 Feb 2011

My post is big

But I do not mind any editing of it. Or if it quickly removed to make space for others also. We need to respect our coauthors, their views and actions. While we do certain things with some logic, they also apply logic in doing certain things. Cooperation demands that we accept and adjust in the interest of teamwork.

Narayana Rao - 14 Feb 2011

if the knol becomes too long, we can delete the lower parts .
I can archive your comments in a proper knol if you want .
all you have to do, is to make an open knol for it .
like http://knol.google.com/k/kalle-schwarz/myboard-2011-january/1m7f8ad2dgh39/368?collectionId=1m7f8ad2dgh39.370#
I will put it on http://knol.google.com/k/kalle-schwarz/y2011/1m7f8ad2dgh39/370?collectionId=1m7f8ad2dgh39.152# then .

Kalle Schwarz - 15 Feb 2011

Thank you.

I shall create one and post some interesting comments there.

Narayana Rao - 14 Feb 2011

Thank you.

Shall I delete some old content from this knol. Becoming difficult to come to comments?

Narayana Rao - 13 Feb 2011

I think we are a good team .

Kalle Schwarz - 13 Feb 2011

Knol Books

Knol Books is a good concept that was developed early on Knol. Knol collections were created to facilitate development of knol books. The development of knol books slowed down after an enthusiastic start. I now feel it is a very good way of organizing many knols and presenting them to readers. Hence I am personally planning to develop 100 knol books and encourage fellow authors to develop around 1000 knol books. Creating various collections of knol books in this context to popularize Knol Book Concept.

Knol Books - Catalogue

Knol Book Collection

List of Knol Books by Narayana Rao K.V.S.S

Narayana Rao - 14 Dec 2010

archiving links

we can put them at the top OR at the bottom and not at the top AND at the bottom, I think .

Kalle Schwarz - 14 Nov 2010

Thanks WJ

Let me congratulate you for crossing the million page view mark by a big margin.

You can think of some additional features over time. You can invite various authors as coauthors as they come and write on the board or write comments.

Narayana Rao - 14 Nov 2010