Music Videos on YouTube

Some stuff I like

Mostly MadTV parodies, and some other random music videos I like, that you can watch on YouTube.


 English Knol Project
This Knol should be cited as:


Erasure Playlist

What Am I Listening To Right Now?

Wjhonson's YouTube Music Playlists
The 25 Most Exquisitely Sad Songs in the World

Playlist of 47 MadTV Music Video Send-Ups including:
(Some of these are actually spoofs of songs or music videos which are parodying either the song or the artist.  Others are music videos which use an existing song to parody something else -- not the song or artist.)
Click this link to autoplay all 47 in the below series
or just click any individual image to play that one song

Britney Spears - "I'm not a child"
Christina Aquilera - "Virginal"
Shakira - "Whatever, Don't Matter"
James Blunt - "Beautiful"
50 Cent - "Sad Fitty"
R.Kelly - "The Greatest" R. Kelly - "Trapped in the Cupboard" Madonna - "My Movies" Paris Hilton - "Paris in Jail" Eminem - "What's on TV"
Ashley Simpson - "L.O.S.E.R." Destiny's Child - "Beyonce" Jessica Simpson - "A Public Affair" Jessica Simpson - "These Dukes are not Worth Watching" Dixie Chicks - "I Will Never Apologize"
Avril Lavigne - "Black Friend" Hillary Duff - "Sake of my Fame" Black Eyed Peas - "My Slump" Kelly Clarkson - "Since We Were On" Britney Spears - "I'm More Wizer"
Britney Spears - "Gimme More (Pills)" Madonna - "Frozen" Britney Spears  - "Make My Boobies One More Size"
Britney Spears - "Lick My Baby Back Behind" Britney Spears - "My Predicament"
Women of Mad TV - "Moulin Rouge"
Nelly Furtado - "Syphillis Girl" Jewel - "Prostitution" Gwen Stefani - "Aren't Asians Great?"
50 Cent - "C.R.A.P"
George W Bush - "Hidin in my Closet" Shakira - "Lost in Translation"
Mariah Carey and Whitney Houston - "Not Insane" Britney and Madonna - "Me Against Madonna"
Justin Timberlake - Like I Am You
NSYNC - "John" P. Diddy & Kim Jong Il - "Bomb Bomb Bomb" Nsync - "This We Promise You" Snoop Dogg - "Sensible Deduction" The Calling - "Wherever You Will Go"
Limp Bizkit - "Posin"
Alanis Morissette - "Wash Me" George Dubya - "Country Slammer"
Ellen DeGeneres - "I Kissed a Girl
Mariah Carey - "Love Muffin / Heartbreaker"
Rhihanna - "Umbrella" starring Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama Snoop Dog - "Smokin Too Much Pot"      

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Added the knol to knol videopedia collection

Video knols seem to be an interesting idea with big scope for Knol authors

Narayana Rao - 25 May 2011