Scraping Amazon BestSelling Books Page

March 22nd, 2010

I just wrote a PHP script which grabs Amazon’s best selling books page, scraps the books off it, inserts my Amazon associates ID, a new header, footer, Adsense and Google Analytics and throws the whole thing up on my own server.

Using PHP to Auto generate an Associates tagged Best Selling Books list

March 21st, 2010

They said it couldn’t be done. And yet I’ve just done it. I’ve written a PHP to embed my associates tag into my own copy of Amazon’s Best Selling Books list.

WordPress Installation

March 13th, 2010

In my perusal of Craigslist ads, I saw from time to time people wanting “WordPress” experts. To me WordPress is just a blogging tool, so I have no idea why you’d need to be an “expert” in it. Or how you even go about becoming an expert. So I installed it to see what it’s all about. This is my first blog using WordPress.